How to make wood pellets from sawdust?


Knowing the usages of wood sawdust pellets will follow the question of how to make wood pellets from sawdust. The process is not that complicated. Here are the details of wood pellet production line:

  1. Get the raw material ready. Generally sawdust is small enough for pellet making. So the first step is to add water to the sawdust till its moisture content is between 8-15%, which is the best moisture content for pelletizing. But if the raw material is wood chips, they should be pulverized first.
  2. Put the sawdust into the wood pelleting machine gradually. Large scale wood pellet manufacutirng need a screw feeder to make sure stable feeding of raw material.
  3. After pelletized, the sawdust pellets are of high temperature that is not suitable for direct packing. So they should be cooled by pellet cooler.
  4. Then, pellets go through a vibrating sieve, where good pellets will be left, while broken ones or powder will be collected for reproduction.
  5. After all the above procedures, pellets can be packed with a pellet packing machine.
